O240610 B/E Aerospace | PINNACLE | 1014613 SERIES
- Description |
These economy class seats from the PINNACLE® 1014613 Series by B/E Aerospace are designed for the Airbus A320 Family. Each seat, manufactured in 2014, is in "as removed" condition and features a mechanical recline mechanism. The seats comply with TSO-C127a (16G) standards and weigh 12 kg per passenger. The layout is 6 abreast, and we have three shipsets available, each accommodating 165 passengers, making a total of 495 passenger places. Configuration options are available for up to 180 passengers.
PART NUMBERS |1014613-001FG07
- Aircraft Type |
- Seat Manufacturer | B/E Aerospace
- Seat Model | PINNACLE | 1014613 SERIES
- Seat Type |
- Seat Condition |
- Seat Layout |
- Seat TSO |
- Year of Manufacturing |
- Seat Weight per Pax | 12 kg
- Connectivity |
- HIC compliant |
Review pending
- Recline |
- Options Available |
- Available Shipsets | 3
- Passenger Places | 165
- Total PAX | 495
- Lead Time | 45 days
- Location |
Request for quote at:
aviationscouts GmbH
Wendenstr. 40
96215 Lichtenfels, Germany
Phone: + 49 (0)9571 947 907 0
E-Mail: sales@aviationscouts.com